
N-Power: Payment Status Changes To Pending

Npower Batch C Volunteers should start expecting their payments soon, as the payment and payroll status on N-power NASIMS dashboard have started changing to pending, although, some N-power Batch C Volunteers have not noticed any changes on their N-power NASIMS dashboard, if you are yet to notice any changes on your payment status on the N-power NASIMS dashboard, please exercise patience as the changes just commenced few hours ago.

In the coming weeks N-power Batch C Volunteers should start receiving credit for all outstanding payments, please if you are having the failed payment issues, you will be paid as backlog, their are specific periods for backlog payments, once your name falls into that backlog payment period you will definitely be credited with your stipend.

N-power volunteers under the Non graduate category that have commenced their training should also expect payment, please take note, if you have not started your training you will not be paid.