
Matawalle: An Epitome Of Political Leadership Definition

Right from the onset, Governor Bello Matawalle has been widely acknowledged as a staunch supporter of political unification in any Political party he finds himself. This was born out of his strong political creed and firm belief in destiny in accordance with the dictate of the almighty God. Matawalle has warded off different political blows through the divine intervention of almighty God. This has earned him public description as ‘Dodo’ – the fearless.

Yes, he is fearless because there is in him a very open mind, a kind heart, and embracing golden hands. Nobody will associate with Matawalle without telling a story of how kind he is. He is so generous that whoever comes his way will not only go back smiling but rather part with a takeaway that he will remember forever.

Rt. Honourable Bello Matawalle is a simple definition of an embodiment of political struggles. His political struggles cut across both civilian and military regimes. He has been into politics and contested during the late General Sani Abacha regime, then rose to an echelon of executive council membership right from the time of the return of Politics in Nigeria in 1999.

During that period and even before, many voices that are making current noises in the State were at their tender ages and were nothing to talk about when it comes to Politics and political calculations in Zamfara and Nigeria as a whole. I will allow the reader to make a simple google search and read the political history of the Man on the helms of affairs of Zamfara State (the sitting Executive Governor).

Going forward, Governor Matawalle’s political foresight is second to none in Zamfara. Why? Because he believes in all-inclusive leadership, he is level-headed, a respecter of whoever comes his way, a positivist, a good listener, he accepts ideas, evaluates issues, and above all, a leader that works 24/7. I remember one of his political associates from South-South once said “Matawalle, I don’t know where you bury your sleep”, Matawalle only smiled.

This reminds me of a story titled “Yaro bata hankalin dare ka yi suna” literally translated as “burn the night candle and become popular”, in one of the most popular Hausa novels by late Abubakar Imam (a prolific Hausa writer) “Magana Jari Ce” book number three.

Finally, with the present scheme of things in Zamfara, anyone that wishes Zamfara well will definitely ascribe to the will of Allah who brought in Matawalle into power in the way it happened in 2019. The best thing is to join hands with him, he is a God-sent and God-chosen leader of Zamfara. There is in him an edge above others because he is the leader in the State. There is also this Hausa proverb that says: “Abinda babba ya gani a zaune, yaro ko ya hau rimi ba zai gan shi ba”. Matawalle now is the political ‘oracle’ of APC in the State, he leads, and others should follow.

Lawal Umar Maradun,
is a student of Media and Communication, Bayero University, Kano.