In another devastating attack, bandits have once again unleashed terror in Makera village, Talata-Mafara Local Government Area of Zamfara State, resulting in the loss of nine lives and the abduction of 53 individuals.
Mohammed Garba, a resident of the area, recounted the harrowing events as the bandits stormed the village around 9pm on Monday, firing shots indiscriminately to instill fear among the populace.
During the hours-long ordeal, the bandits systematically raided homes, capturing 53 people, while tragically claiming the lives of nine who attempted to resist or escape.
Garba, whose own children were among those taken, expressed deep concern over the escalating violence and urged immediate intervention from the state government to safeguard the community.
Despite efforts by residents to fend off the attackers, they were overwhelmed by the sheer numbers and firepower of the assailants.
As the community reels from the latest assault, calls for decisive action to stem the tide of violence grow louder, while the whereabouts of the abducted individuals remain uncertain.
Efforts to obtain a statement from the state police command were unsuccessful at the time of this report, leaving residents grappling with uncertainty and insecurity.