
Nigeria Ranked 10th in Africa’s Least Safe Countries for Women

Nigeria has been ranked 10th on the list of Africa’s most unsafe countries for women, according to the 2023 global Women Peace and Security Index.

The Central African Republic holds the top spot, followed by DR Congo and South Sudan.

Conversely, Seychelles, the smallest African country, ranks as the safest for women, followed by Cape Verde and South Africa.

The Women Peace and Security Index assesses 177 countries based on women’s inclusion, justice, and security, highlighting disparities and the need for resources and accountability to improve women’s status globally.

The Index is published by the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace, and Security and the PRIO Centre on Gender, Peace, and Security, with support from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Here is the list of Africa’s most unsafe countries for women:

  1. Central African Republic
  2. DR Congo
  3. South Sudan
  4. Burundi
  5. Eswatini
  6. Somalia
  7. Niger
  8. Sudan
  9. Chad
  10. Nigeria

And here is the list of Africa’s safest countries for women:

  1. Seychelles
  2. Cape Verde
  3. South Africa
  4. Mauritius
  5. Tunisia
  6. Rwanda
  7. Botswana
  8. Tanzania
  9. Ghana
  10. Sao Tome and Principe