A confrontation unfolded at Edo Specialist Hospital in Benin on Monday, involving personnel from the Department of State Services (DSS), private guards, and members of the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps.
The conflict reportedly stemmed from perceived unprofessionalism by hospital staff when DSS officials brought in a colleague who had collapsed during a meeting at their office.
The situation escalated, requiring police intervention from the Oba Market Police Station and the Chief Security Officer of the Government House before order was restored.
Amid the chaos, injuries were sustained by individuals, including private security guards and female personnel from the NSCDC.
An official from the DSS explained, “We brought our colleague to the hospital after he slumped during our meeting. However, the reception at the Edo Specialist Hospital was poor, and our personnel had to bring him down from the vehicle themselves.”
In contrast, Dr. David Odiko, the hospital’s Medical Director, asserted that the patient was promptly attended to by the on-duty doctor, who confirmed the unfortunate demise. The DSS personnel, however, reportedly contested this assessment.
Dr. Odiko explained, “The doctor on duty found the patient unresponsive in the car, conducted CPR, but sadly, there was no response. The diagnosis was that he was brought in dead. Despite this, DSS personnel moved him into our facility, disputing the findings.”
The incident highlights a significant disagreement over the handling of the medical emergency and underscores tensions between security personnel and healthcare providers.