In a harrowing continuation of an ongoing crisis, another tragic incident unfolded tonight at 9 pm, with the abduction of two sisters at Federal University Gusau. This latest abduction is a chilling reminder of the recent nightmare that has engulfed the university, where more than 20 females were kidnapped just days ago. Shockingly, the whereabouts of some of these victims remain unknown, intensifying the anguish of their families.
The alarming fact that these incidents continue unabated is causing deep distress in the community. It underscores the sense of helplessness as the government’s response appears inadequate, leaving the public questioning whether enough is being done to address this escalating issue.
As the anxious community awaits updates on the well-being of the newly abducted sisters and the fate of the previously kidnapped students, the urgent need for a more comprehensive and effective security approach becomes increasingly evident. The fear and uncertainty surrounding Federal University Gusau demand swift, decisive action to protect the students and bring an end to this reign of terror.