In a harrowing incident, Damina, a notorious bandit kingpin, orchestrated a brutal attack on the community of Kwanar Dutse in Zamfara state, resulting in the tragic deaths of 10 individuals. The ruthless assault unfolded after the community failed to comply with Damina’s imposed levy of N20 million, initially demanded weeks ago. Witnesses vividly recounted the terror unleashed by Damina’s cohort as they stormed the community shortly after 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday.
Under the cloak of evening following Islamic prayer, the attackers, armed with superior weaponry, indiscriminately fired upon the unsuspecting residents. A resident, speaking under anonymity for security reasons, shared a chilling account of the assailants overwhelming the community. Despite the valiant efforts of some vigilantes, the bandits prevailed, leaving the community in shock and mourning. During the rampage, the terrorists set shops and houses ablaze, compounding the devastation.
The community leader, who requested anonymity, revealed the profound personal impact of the attack, noting that his cousin was among those brutally killed by the terrorists during the hours-long assault. Another resident from Dansadau town highlighted the distressing aftermath, with his house now sheltering refugees from Kwanar Dutse. He painted a grim picture of the vulnerable situation faced by residents in the northern part of Dansadau, emphasizing that Damina’s group routinely imposes exorbitant levies on communities, resorting to brutal violence when payments are not met. This tragic event underscores the urgent need for enhanced security measures and intervention to protect vulnerable communities in Zamfara from the terror inflicted by such ruthless banditry.